Valley Performing Arts Center at CSU Northridge – Website
18111 Nordhoff Street Northridge, CA 91330-8448
Phone: 818-677-8800
Fax: 818-677-8880
Directions from LAX
From LAX get on I-405 N from Airport Blvd and S La Tijera Blvd
On Airport Blvd stay in right 2 lanes and turn right on La Tijera Blvd
Turn left to merge onto the I-405 North toward Santa Monica
Stay on the I-405 N for 20 miles (about 20-30 minutes)
Take exit 69 and stay in the left two lanes to turn left on Nordhoff Street
Stay on Nordhoff Street for 3 miles

Valley Performing Arts Center Parking Map
The Park and Walk Option gets you to the parking area a tad closer to the VPAC. Please know that you will be enjoying a 10 – 15 minute walk and make sure to allow yourself enough time to park and walk.
Directions to parking structure G3: Turn right on Zelzah Avenue, to Left on Prarie Street past Matador Road turn left into the parking structure.
PARK, RIDE (Shuttle) and WALK
The Park and Ride Option places you in the B1 Parking Lot located close to VPAC or Great Hall. You have the option to take an 8 – 10 minute walk or ride the Free Round Trip Shuttle.
Directions to parking lot B1: Continue on Nordhoff Street past Lindley Avenue, Turn right on Etiwanda Avenue and then Left into the parking lot. Below is the shuttle route from the B1 parking area.
Note: There are LIMITED number of Accessible Parking located on the D1 LOT or Nordhoff Service Road.